Frequently Asked Questions


If I book an appointment, can I change it?

Of course.  I do understand that emergencies, illnesses or changes of plans happen.  However, I do reserve the right to charge 50% of the fee if less than 24 hours notice is given, and 100% of the fee if less than 12 hours notice is given.  Where possible, I will try to reschedule at a time that suits you.

Is everything I say in a session confidential?

I have a duty to keep the content of our sessions confidential.  I may sometimes discuss client work with my supervisor, but if I do, no identifying details are given.  I would refer only to whoever I was discussing as 'my client'.  There are some legal exceptions to confidentiality, and these can be found on the BACP website.  If I was to become seriously concerned for your welfare, or that of another person, and believed that serious harm may occur, I reserve the right to contact your GP.  If I were to do this, I would endeavour to talk to you about this first of all.  

Do I have to sign a contract with you to work with you?

If possible, I will send you out a copy of my 'working agreement' by email before our first appointment.  If that is not possible, I will give you a copy when we first meet.  Our first session will include answering any questions that you may have and checking that you are happy with the way I work.  I will ask you to sign the agreement, and then if there are any questions further down the line, we can refer back to it.  However my working agreement in no way commits you to working with me, to any specific number of sessions or for any specified time.  You can see me for one session, or for as many sessions as you feel are helpful to you.

Do you ever refer to another counsellor?

There are times when I am not the right counsellor to work with a client.  This might be because it becomes apparent that we are connected in some way, or that they need a specific type of therapy eg: CBT. In these cases I might suggest that you see someone else, and I am always more than happy to signpost you to someone more able to work with you.  Because I work within the BACP's Ethical Framework (, I am obliged to work within my competence and training. If I felt you needed a different therapist to work with, I would discuss this with you and support you in finding someone appropriate.

What qualifications do you have in counselling?

I have a first class honours degree in Person Centred Counselling through the University of Brighton and I have a certificate in Counselling Supervision from the OCN.  As a registered member of BACP, all of the courses that I have completed have to be accredited with them and deemed to be of a level of learning that is appropriate for their members.


If you have any questions, either before, during or after we work together, please do not hesitate to ask me.  


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